
ICA SBA 2015 Conference, "Creating the Best Business Archive - Achieving a Good Return on Investment", 15.06.2015 - 16.06.2015

15.06.2015 - 16.06.2015
luogo di produzione
responsabilità enti e persona
Archivio Storico Intesa Sanpaolo ( produttore )
Riprese del convegno 2015 dell'ICA SBA tenutosi a Milano tra il 15 e il 16 giugno presso l'Auditorium Pirelli in via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 3, dal titolo "Creating the Best Business Archive - Achieving a Good Return on Investment".


15 giugno.

- saluto di Maurizio Savoja, dirigente - Soprintendenza Archivistica per la Lombardia [file a];
- saluto di Martina De Petris, Fondazione Pirelli [file a];
- saluto di Francesca Pino, Archivio Storico Intesa Sanpaolo [file a];
- saluto di Carolina Lussana (Fondazione Dalmine) per Museimpresa [file a].

Prima sessione: "Overview of Italian Business Archive Scene" (moderatore Maurizio Savoja)
- Giuseppe Berta, Università Bocconi, Milano, Italia: "The structure of Italian business" [file a];
- Francesca Pino per Antonella Bilotto, Centro per la Cultura d'Impresa, Milano, Italia: "Who should be responsible for preserving records? The experience - in both the public and private spheres - of the Centro per la cultura d'impresa (Centre for Corporate Culture) in Milan" [file a];
- Primo Ferrari, Fondazione Isec, Sesto San Giovanni, Milano, Italia: "The role and sustainability of an archive center in an area of rapid deindustrialization" [file b].

Seconda sessione: "Innovative Models of Management" (moderatore Jeannette Strickland, JS Archive and Record Consultancy, formerly Head of Art, Archives & Records Management, Unilever PLC, Londra, GB)
- Jeannette Strickland: "Models of management for business archives - an overview" [file c];
- Adrian Steel e Vicky Parkinson, The British Postal Museum & Archive, Londra, GB: "A question of trust: the best business archive for the British Postal Service" [file c];
- Alexander Husebye, Centre for Business History in Stockholm, Svezia: "Presentation of the Business History Centre in Stockholm" [file c];
- Clare Paterson, Scottish Business Archive, University of Glasgow, GB: "Scottish Business Archive: New methods of managing business collections and clients" [file d];
- domande del pubblico [file d].

- Lesley Richmond, ICA SBA: "ICA SBA News including Managing Business Archive Handbook" [file d, file e].

Terza sessione: "Business Archives in Emerging Markets" (moderatore Vrunda Pathare, Chief Archivist, Godrej Archives, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd, Mumbai, India)
- Yujue Wang, Wuhan University, China: "Business archives in China: history and state of the art" [file f];
- domande del pubblico [file f];
- saluto di Marco Tronchetti Provera, presidente e amministratore delegato del Gruppo Pirelli [file f, 19:08-23:13];
- Ashok Kapoor, Consultant, former Achivist and Records Manager, Reserve Bank of India, India: "Model for business archives in India- Present scenarios & challenges" [file f];
- Adam Reynolds, Archive Team Leader, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Arabia Saudita: "The benefits of archive management in Saudi Aramco" [file f, file g];
- domande del pubblico [file g].

Quarta sessione: "New Archive Services - New problems and solutions" (moderatore Andrea Hohmeyer, Director, Group Archive, Evonik Industries AG, Essen, Germania)
- Jill Veitch, Heritage Archivist, GSK Brentford, Middlesex, GB: "Legal and regulatory issues and challenges in a pharmaceutical company" [file h];
- Francesca Ghersetti e Greta Gamba, Fondazione Benetton & Gruppo Benetton, Treviso, Italia: "The Benetton Archive: problems and solutions integrating databases and Archives" [file h];
- Valerie Komor, Associated Press Corporate Archives, New York, USA: "Building a corporate archive for The Associated Press" [file h, file i];
- domande del pubblico [file i].

16 giugno

Prima sessione: "Advocacy 1 - Internal" (moderatore Roger Nougaret, Director, Group Archive, BNP Paribas, Parigi, Francia)
- Torkel Thime e Katy Johnson, Oljearchivekt Norway, University of Aberdeen, GB: "The central role of advocacy in preserving the archival heritage of the North Sea off shore oil and gas industry" [file j];
- Alexandra Mitchell, Archivist, Peel Group, Manchester, GB: "How do we measure success: reflections on a business archive in its infancy" [file j];
- Dawn Sinclair, Archivist, HarperCollins Publishers, Glasgow, GB: "Proving the value - Building the worth of the HarperCollins Archive" [file j, file k];
- Gemma Torre, archivista freelance, PhD all'Università di Lucca, Italia: "The census of enterprise archives as an opportunity for the business" [file k];
- domande del pubblico [file k].

Seconda sessione: "Advocacy 2 External - Academic and community" (moderatore Alison Turton, Head of RBS Archives, Edinburgh, GB)
- Yuko Matsuzaki, Resource Center for the History of Entrepreneurship Shibusawa, Tokyo, Giappone: "Ryugo and the Angel: cross-industrial and cross-sector collaboration on business archives exhibitions in Japan" [file l];
- Martin Stuerzlinger, Archiversum, Vienna, Austria: "Bringing archivists together. The Austrian non-profit network business history (Netzwerk Unternehmensgeschichte)" [file l];
- Cheryl Brown, Business Archives Surveying Officer for Scotland, Glasgow, GB: "Advocacy with archival repositories and businesses" [file l, file m];
- Justin Cavernelis-Frost e Natalie Broad, The Rothschild Archive, Londra, GB: "Between Scylla and Charybdis? Meeting the demands of the academic research community and a global business" [file m];
- Tosh Warwick, Middlesbrough Council/University of Huddersfield, Middlesbrough, GB: "Utilising business records to bring Teesside's industrial heritage to life: the British Steel Collection and the Tees Transporter Bridge Visitor Experience Project" [file m];
- domande del pubblico [file m, file n]

Terza sessione: "Exploiting photographic and multimedia collections" (moderatore Alexander Lukas Bieri, Curator, The Roche Historical Collection and Archive, Basilea, Svizzera)
- Mattia Voltaggio, ENI SpA, Roma, Italia: "Archivist or philologist? The ENI film archive as a case study" [file o];
- Tracey Panek, Historian, Levi Strauss & Co. San Francisco, USA: "From blue jeans to data bytes: designing a fashion-forward digital Archives" [file o];
- Tina Staples, Global Head of Archives, HSBC Group, London, GB: "Taking the plunge: digital archives at HSBC" [file o, file p].

- ringraziamenti di Lesley Richmond [file q].

Quarta sessione: "Creating the perfect business archive team" (moderatore Paul Lasewicz, Archivist, McKinsey & Co., New York, USA)
- Francesca Pino: "Group archivist: manager or professional? The Italian state of the art" [file q],
- Carolina Lussana: "Introducing a visit to Fondazione Dalmine and its historical archive" [file q].

- saluti conclusivi di Lesley Richmond [file q, file r].
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Intesa Sanpaolo